Princeton University founded in 1746 as a private university in New Jersey. It is counted as the fourth old institution of the United Kingdom, which is famous for the courses i.e., biological and biomedical sciences, public administration, social service professions, etc. This University provides teaching in undergraduate and graduate programs in the field of humanities, engineering, natural sciences, etc. According to the U.S. News and World Report, Princeton University ranked for either first or second position among all the national universities from 2001 to 2018.
Princeton University Rankings
As of U.S. news and world report, Princeton University had ranked on either first or send position in all the universities. It listed on the first position for 17 times from 19 in which it solely toped the board #12 times, and with Harvard, it has tied for #5 times. From 2015 to 2019, it has ranked #1 for the best teaching for undergraduates. After holding, #1 position for several years, in 2016, it ranked #3 according to the Forbes ranking list of America’s top colleges. In “Students happy with financial aid,” it ranked first, and in “Happiest students,” it Ranked #3. So, this is how it has maintained its position over the undergraduate and graduate teaching and also in various curricular activities.
Fee Structure in Princeton University
The fee structure of Princeton University is divided into tuition cost, rooming cost, boarding cost, miscellaneous, and residential cost. The University takes these costs for under graduation of the student. According to the CNBC news, it charges around $73,450 from each student. Also, in the session of 2019-2020, it charges this money for under graduation in which $51,870 is of tuition cost, for the room the price is $10,090, the cost for boarding is $7,060, miscellaneous and residential cost is $3500 and $930 respectively. These expenses do not include the fees of traveling, which can range from $100 to $2500 per year for an individual. The students are eligible for a grant if their families are making $65,000 or less. For those students, the grant average in the income bracket is $67,350. There is an average grant amount of $62,865 for those whose family earnings are $65000 to $85000. In this, only 76% of the room and board cost is handled by the University. For the student whose family is earning from $85,000 to $100,000, the average grant amount is $59,140 in which 54% of room and board costs
Admission Process in Princeton University
For the admission to Princeton University, there is an eligibility criterion, which student has to fulfill to get into University. So, the admission process contains some process steps:
- First of all, the student has to fill a coalition application, which includes a graded written paper.
- Further, the request is received in the form of a transcript, school report, and letter.
- Finally, two types of tests are handled i.e., SAT and ACT, in which the student has to perform better to get enrolled at Princeton University.
So, this is how the admission process of Princeton University works to enroll the students.
Courses in Princeton University
Princeton University is famous for offering a lot of courses for their students so that students can have a chance to choose their favorite or that field in which they can perform better. There are some courses like architecture, architecture, and engineering, applications of computing, etc. are offered so that the student can decide that in which they want to explore at Princeton. These courses cover all the fields so that if any student does not have to go in only academic subjects, then the student can go in some creative field subjects also. So, this provides mental stability to the student and also support them and their passion.
Eligibility Criteria in Princeton University
There are some eligibility criteria set by each college or university to enroll the student. Princeton University also set some eligibility criteria for the student to enroll in their college. So, it demands that an average GPA of a student should range from 3.87 to 4.0 to get register as A listed. Further, the acceptance rate of this University is 6% for the admission of students after enrolled. According to the annual reports, Princeton University admits that 66% of admitted students are enrolled. Also, for those students who are selected, the University awards them. The SAT marks range for a student must be from 1480 to 1580 for selection in Princeton. The estimated marks a student can score is calculated as 1530 out of 1600 in Princeton. If any student is scoring 1580 or more from 1600 in SAT, then the chances are more than 10%. If the student is scoring 1530 to 1580, then the chances are between 6%-10%.
Further, the student who is scoring 1480 to 1530, then the chances are 4-6%. For the students, who are marking from 1430 to 1480, the chances of a student to get selected are between 2-4%. And in case if the student is scoring less than 1430, then the chances are very less of about less than 2%.
Environment at Princeton University
The environment of Princeton University is entirely professional, as they provide advances in the knowledge and generate various ideas so that the opportunities by students can be grabbed. There are multiple sessions arranged in the University which gives the message to save our environment so that the livelihood can be made accessible. So, this college has drawn for more than 120 members who represent their economic conditions and overcome the environmental issues.
Entrance gateway
The entrance gateway of Princeton University is very well managed as when anyone enters it there, there is a building full of greenery. It shows that the University supports the environment to save the campaign. So, they have maintained their entrance gateways excellent, and on the left, when enters through the building, there is a helpline office. This office can be contacted when there is some problem persists. This is open from 9 am-5 pm from Monday to Friday. In the case of any government or University, it gets closed.
Advantages in Princeton University
There are many advantages that a student can pick this college up to study further. For example, it is a safe, respectful place, inspiring place. Also, there are available medical and healthcare facilities. The student can get the proper treatment if they are not feeling well because it has all the Medicare services. Also, nothing is compromised in this University, and they provide the dedication to teach their students and primarily undergraduate students. Because those are the ones, who need special care and lessons to learn. There are insurance and disciplinary activities benefits along with the leave benefits. So, this college has many things to be picked up with any individual.
Hostel Life
The hostel life is quite good; there are many seniors by which students can take help if any problem persists. The hostage has an amount for rooms and board is $15,610, in which Princeton provides all the facilities. This includes the housing cost, meals cost, other living expenses, etc. So, the housing is safe and secure for the students, as they can take this facility.
Alumni experience
The experience of alumni here is quite good. They invite alumni every year at their alumni association where the alumni who are passed out share about their views, give motivational speeches to the students currently pursuing their courses from Princeton. They also interact with the students about their future, and there is an emotional contact created between the alumni and the students. Further, they also thank their teachers for calling them at the alumni meet, and they even remembered their old and past days and share it with the students currently studying. This is a very emotional night when Princeton call their alumni to come and represent them in front of their students. They owe those students like themselves and interact with them to provide services to them related to academics, jobs, etc. This is why alumni association is essential so that students can observe their alumni’s and learn something from them. So, they had a great time about the activities that happened at this meet, and they had a great experience.
This blog highlights the ranking, fee structure, environment, and advantages of the Princeton University of the United Kingdom. By going through the above discussion, one can quickly get an idea of the university offerings and other facilities.
Other Top Universities/Countries to Study
So how did you like the Princeton University? Are you planning to take an admission in the University? Check out the perks and cons of other Universities in the USA here.